Your Hotel up Close at the Ski World Cup in Obergurgl-Hochgurgl
Program for the World Cup Weekend
FRIDAY*, 22.11.2024
Ladies’ Bib Draw
DIAMOND LOUNGE | 1st Floor Gurgl Carat | €179 per person
Diamond Beats with DJ Realize | Gurgl Carat Forecourt | Free Entry
The ski stars are celebrated in style at the forecourt and inside Gurgl Carat.
SATURDAY*, 23.11.2024
Ladies’ Slalom
Fanzone Party with DJs
Awards Ceremony & Prize Presentation
DIAMOND LOUNGE | 1st Floor Gurgl Carat | €179 per person
Diamond Beats Gurgl Carat – Free Entry
Men’s Bib Draw
SUNDAY*, 24.11.2024
Men's Slalom
Fanzone Party with DJs
* Programme subject to change because of weather conditions.
Our Offer for You
World Cup Days at Gurglhof
from 21.11.2024 - 25.11.2024
Direct Bookers Rejoice!
The Earlier You Buy, the Cheaper You Carve
Dynamic Pricing for Ski Pass Sales
Ski Vacation in Obergurgl
PSSSST: Our insider tips
Scenic Breaks
Off the Slopes
Glamorous World Cup Evenings
Hotel Gurglhof in the Heart of It All